Guest lecturers: Prof. dr. Georges Verjans and Seyar Rashidi, PhD
On September 19th, 2022, prof. dr. Georges Verjans and Seyar Rashidi, PhD Continue reading

First 5 years of the CerVirVac: Symposium
From September 2 - 3, 2022, a two-day symposium will be held Continue reading

EU project open day
In the past two years, immunology and virusology have become the center Continue reading

Doors open day at the Center for Proteomics
Doors open day at the Center for Proteomics will be held on Continue reading

We are presenting an overview of the results for our ongoing H2020 Continue reading

Prof. Jonjic first to receive ERC Proof of Concept grant in Croatia
Prof. Stipan Jonjic and his research group has received ERC Proof of Continue reading

Visit from Prof. Dr. Jörg Hacker to Center of excellence for Virus Immunology and Vaccines
On 21st of May, 2018 Center of Excellence was visited Continue reading

Lecture of Prof. Dr. Jörg Hacker, President of Leopoldina
It is our honor to announce the visit of Prof. Continue reading

Invitation to lecture of Prof. Zvonimira Poljaka Dr. Vet. Med.
We would like to invite you to the lecture of Prof. Zvonimir Continue reading

Symposium: Smallpox epidemic – a threat to global bio security
On May the 5th 2018, a symposium of international character will be Continue reading

Workshop on validation of antibodies organized by EuroMAbNet
Assistant professors Vanda Juranić Lisnić and Berislav Lisnić, team members of the Continue reading
Lecture “Fight for Life – how to defend ourselves from contagious diseases”
A cycle of short free lectures by the University of Rijeka, in cooperation Continue reading
Dr. Ilija Brizic awarded for the Best Young Scientist
Our team member Dr. Ilija Brizic was awarded for the Best Young Continue reading
Project meeting held at the Center of Excellence for Virus Immunology and Vaccines in Rijeka
Kick-off meeting of all project team members was held in Rijeka at Continue reading
Dr. Sc. Ani Gerbin awarded for young scientists in the category of social sciences and humanities
The Foundation Award of the University of Rijeka for the academic year 2016 Continue reading
Prof. Dr. Stipan Jonjić held a lecture at the 1st International Biomedicine Student Congress in Rijeka “BRIK 2017”
Prof. Dr. Stipan Jonjić held a lecture at the 1st International Biomedicine Student Continue reading
Annual Croatian Immunological Society award for Best Publication given to PhD student Mrs. Paola Kucan Brlic
Our colleague and PhD student Mrs. Paola Kucan Brlic is the winner Continue reading
Prof. Dr. Stipan Jonjic was invited to speak on the Croatian National Television
With reference to the Scientific Centre of Excellence grant agreement execution, Prof. Continue reading
Signed 5 mil. EUR worth project – Scientific Centre of Excellence for Viral Immunology and Vaccines, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Stipan Jonjic
Croatian government signed 35 grant agreements for projects funded by the European Continue reading
Representatives of the European Commission’s DG REGIO visited Faculty of Medicine in Rijeka
European Commission’s DG REGIO (Directorate General Regional Policy) representatives visited projects implemented Continue reading
Mobility in action at the Center for Proteomics!
Currently we are hosting Masters and PhD students.
In the picture (from left Continue reading
Prof. Dr. Stipan Jonjic presented HORIZON 2020 Marie Curie project GLYCOVAX
Ministry of Science and Education in cooperation with the Agency for Mobility Continue reading
The City of Rijeka Lifetime Achievement Award handed to Prof. Stipan Jonjic
The City of Rijeka Lifetime Achievement Award was handed to Prof. Stipan Continue reading
Dr. Ivana Strazic Geljic participated in the Festival of French Speaking Students from Central and Eastern Europe held in Zagreb
Dr. Ivana Strazic Geljic, a former PhD student from the University of Continue reading
Prof. Dr. Stipan Jonjic, Prof. Dr. Tihana Lenac Rovis and Dr. Ani Gerbin, visited long term associates from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
CAPRI team members, Prof. Dr. Stipan Jonjic, Prof. Dr. Tihana Continue reading