Solving the m04 paradox: Evasion of missing-self recognition and CD8 klling by MAT uORF
Full title: Solving the m04 paradox: Evasion of missing-self recognition and CD8 Continue reading

Augmenting and Broadening T-cell Responses to Glioblastoma – Therapeutic Vaccine Platform Based on HCMV Expressing NKG2D Ligands (GLIOVACC)
Full title: Augmenting and Broadening T-cell Responses to Glioblastoma – Therapeutic Vaccine Continue reading

Pathogenesis of cytomegalovirus infection in the ovaries, impact on fertility and pregnancy maintenance
Pathogenesis of cytomegalovirus infection in the ovaries, impact on fertility and pregnancy Continue reading

The integrated anti-HCMV/anti-GBM vaccine
The integrated anti-HCMV/anti-GBM vaccine
Project title: The integrated anti-HCMV/anti-GBM vaccine
Program – Proof of Continue reading

GLYCOVAX – A Training Network for the Rational Design of the Next Generation of Well-Defined Glycoconjugate Vaccines
GLYCOVAX - A Training Network for the Rational Design of the Next Continue reading

Becoming entrepreneurial: Knowledge transfer from the University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine to the biotechnology business sector (IPA III C SIIF)
Becoming entrepreneurial: Knowledge transfer from the University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine Continue reading

MCMV Infection of the Developing CNS: Neuroinvasion and Immune Control (NIH)
MCMV Infection of the Developing CNS: Neuroinvasion and Immune Control
Full title: MCMV Continue reading

StAdvInn (FP7 ERC Advanced Grant)
Full title: Strengthening adaptive immunity via innate immunity: enhancing the CD8 T cell Continue reading

Congenital CMV and CNS infection mechanisms of protective immunity (NIH)
Congenital CMV and CNS infection mechanisms of protective immunity
Full title: Congenital CMV Continue reading

VISTRIE (Helmholtz Virtual Institutes)
Full title: Viral Strategies of Immune Evasion
Grantor: Helmholtz Association: Helmholtz Virtual Institutes
Grant Continue reading

IcroME (Leonardo da Vinci)
Full title: Italo-Croatian Mobility in Europlanning
Grantor: EU Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Continue reading

Methods for high-throughput glycoproteomic analysis (FP7 Marie Curie Actions – IAPP)
Methods for high-throughput glycoproteomic analysis (HTP-GlycoMet)
Full title: Methods for high-throughput glycoproteomic analysis
Grantor: FP7 programme Continue reading

Platform for trans-Academic Cooperation in Innovation (IPA Adriatic CBC 2007-2013)
Platform for trans-Academic Cooperation in Innovation (PACINNO)
Full title: Platform for trans-Academic Cooperation Continue reading

Molecular mechanism of regulation of the PVR protein and its interaction partners by cytomegalovirus
Multiannual institutional support
Project title: Molecular mechanism of regulation of the PVR protein and Continue reading

Molecular mechanism of PVR (CD155) immunological pathways in viral and tumor pathogenesis (PVRreg)
Molecular mechanisms of PVR (CD155) immunological pathways in viral and tumor pathogenesis
Project Continue reading

Virus-specific Activating NK Cell Receptors and Their Viral Immunoevasion
Virus-specific Activating NK Cell Receptors and Their Viral Immunoevasion
Project title: Virus-specific Activating NK Continue reading
Viral evasion of NK cells (NIH)
NLO (FP7 Researchers’ Night Marie-Curie Action)
Full title: Night-of-the-Lab-Out
Grantor: FP7 Marie-Curie Action: "Researchers' Night"
Grant number: 609815
Grantor's website: http://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/
Duration: 1 May Continue reading
CAPRI2010 (FP7)
Full title: The Center for Antibody Production Rijeka: Upgrading the Central Research Continue reading
The development of a model for immunotherapy of viral infections by using recombinant proteins, which connect the innate and specific immune responses (NZZ)
The development of a model for immunotherapy of viral infections by using Continue reading
Full title: A European Infrastructure of Ligand Binding Molecules against the Human Continue reading
The function of the NK killer receptor NKp46 in immunosurveillance of cytomegalovirus and influenza viruses (MSES)
The function of the NK killer receptor NKp46 in immunosurveillance of cytomegalovirus Continue reading
A Transcriptomic Approach to Viral Disease Research (UKF)
A Transcriptomic Approach to Viral Disease Research
Full title: A Transcriptomic Approach to Continue reading
NK Defense and Therapy (FP6)
NK Defense and Therapy
Full title: Natural Killer Cell-Mediated Anti-Viral and Anti Continue reading