EU project open day

In the past two years, immunology and virusology have become the center of attention of society. The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged scientists, politicians and society and shaken our understandings so far about viruses as well as how we interact with each other.

As part of the EU projects' open day, through a series of short online lectures we will present some of the activities of the Centre of Excellence for Viral Immunology and Vaccines and we will try to provide answers to some questions concerning:

  • development of antibodies and new COVID-19 tests,
  • how the health system (KBC Rijeka) successfully implemented testing protocols in times of pandemic
  • how experimental vaccines are developed,
  • whether viruses can affect reproductive organs and
  • how do therapeutic antibodies develop and what are they used for.

The Centre of Excellence (ZCI) for Viral Immunology and Vaccines is one of 10 ZCI appointed by the Ministry of Science and Education in 2015 and funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The Center of Excellence brings together scientists of the University of Rijeka, primarily from the Faculty of Medicine and the Department of Biotechnology, the Infectious Diseases Clinic "Dr. Fran Mihaljević" and the Center for Research and Transfer of Knowledge in Biotechnology, University of Zagreb. About 80 researchers participate in the work of the ZCI; from experienced and renowned scientists, to postdoctoral researchers, PhD students and Labor engineers, and the work takes place in 7 working packages covering many aspects of working with viruses and their interactions with us, their hosts.

The basic research carried out aims to increase our understanding of virus biology, immune response to viruses and the mechanisms they use to avoid detection, to the development of vaccines and the use of viruses as vectors, and the development of methods of purifying viruses and their preparations.

Date and time: 30.11.2021 14:00

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